The Kooky Kid Tales: 5/5 - Merry-Go-Round

Siblings life is much more than fights; it is about limitless caring, teaching and learning together. It is also about loving a person unconditionally forever! And most important part of this relationship is that we are entertainers and motivators of each other! 😝😁😃 Today's tale of Kooky is about playing and enjoying with siblings . But this could sometimes come with a price! Kooky and his family went to their uncle's place. While the adults were having their talks and gossips, Kooky , his brother and uncle's children were having a very dull time. They were done with playing computer games and wanted to go out and play. The elders refused to send the kids out but everyone insisted on going to the garden to play.😁😀 After a lot of " Tu Tu....Main Main.... " the adults agreed to send the kids to the garden. Everyone was warned to be safe and was asked to take care of each other. The kids ran down to the garden. They started playing on the swings and slides. T...