The Kooky Kid Tales: 3/5 - Sleepy Kooky
Let's take a poll.
How many of you have slept in your classroom in a boring lecture?
I'm sure everyone has done it at least once!
But let me ask you one more question.....
Did u sleep like a BOSS or by hiding behind your mates?
I think we all fall in Category 2 😂😂
But not Kooky! He slept like a BOSS 😎 Hail Kooky! 🙌
When Kooky was in Jr. K.G., like all parents, his parents too sent him to school. A free living child suddenly got a burden on his head. He had to follow a schedule where he had to go to school on time, come home and do homework and learn alphabets, numbers and all poems.👨🏫📚 Even after so much load, Kooky found good time for playing.
Studying was never his interest even in Jr. K.G. Also waking up early morning for a 10 o'clock school was very tiring for him.😵😓
On one such day, Kooky felt very sleepy in his classroom.😴🥱 Without hesitation he just stretched his legs and held them across a wall beside his bench. Keeping them crossed and intact. He just leaned behind on his bench and slept for a while. This burdened kid suddenly found peace.😌
While taking attendance, the teacher did not hear any answer when she called Kooky's name. She was sure that she saw him earlier in the classroom. When she walked to his desk, she was surprised and shocked! She saw Kooky stretching all over and sleeping.
She woke him up and obviously punished him for this behavior. Later on she complained about this to his mother. Kooky back then got a lot of bashing for sleeping in a class. But now when recalling this incident, Kooky and his family have a great laughter.😂😂 Well with this incident, Kooky took his craziness to another level, adding one more to his list of craziness. He just showed that he was fearless!
PC: Google Images
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